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Meditainment is a unique blend of guided meditation and visualisation enhanced with relaxing music and authentic sounds of nature that leads participants on a multi-meditation journey, discovering audio-guided adventures that promote better mental health in an enjoyable and exciting way.

An engaging approach to lasting wellbeing

The program format encourages participants to meditate for the immediate enjoyment of it, which leads to effortlessly embedding a regular meditation practice and enjoying lasting health and wellbeing benefits.

Flexible, accessible and on-demand

What program participants say

"I absolutely love the Meditainment app. The clean layout of the design. The way it drip feeds you scenarios in a progressive way ... and gears your brain up for winding down. I love the voice of the lady and the spacey sound effects. Great ideas and scenarios. I cannot fault it. I use Meditainment every day and sometimes I'll do a few back to back. Thanks x"

Trustpilot Excellent Rating blk


Participation by referral only

Meditainment is only available to individuals via our licensed partners. We do not offer self-pay or other self-enrolment options. Our growing network of partners include healthcare services, workplaces, social enterprises, and other organisations who license our treatment programs for individuals in their catchment area or population.